Ron Garner, Chief Talent Officer
Ron Garner, after spending most of his career in education, is now at the helm of Spartanburg County’s talent ecosystem, strengthening the outlook for the economy, businesses, and tourism.
Ron joined OneSpartanburg, Inc. as Chief Talent Officer in May 2023 after spending 13 years as superintendent of Spartanburg County School District 1. There, he grew the district’s financial and technological capabilities, all while improving student success metrics, and preparing for and accommodating growth in the area. During his 29-year career as an educator, Ron has also served as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, middle and high school principal, and assistant superintendent.
A product of the small, rural town of Whitmire, S.C., Ron earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of South Carolina Upstate, his masters from the University of South Carolina, and his doctorate from South Carolina State University.
In his role as Chief Talent Officer, Ron will lead talent-related recommendations stemming from the OneSpartanburg Vision Plan 2.0, Spartanburg County’s second five-year community and economic development strategy. His focus will be on strategic work to address areas like college affordability, career connections for local students, and better positioning Spartanburg as an attractive option for knowledge-based-job applicants in the future.
Ron has been married to his wife, Kelly, for 24 years and they have 3 children. Colby, 20, is a junior at Wofford College and is a biology major. Caroline, 18, is a freshman at Anderson University and is pursuing a nursing degree. Chloe, 16, is a junior at Chapman High School. Ron and his family live in Inman, S.C.
Erin Smith, Director of Adult Degree Reengagement
Erin Smith, a native and resident of Greenville, South Carolina, has 13 years of professional experience in higher education between Greenville Technical College and Tri-County Technical College. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina and a Master of Science degree in College Student Affairs from Nova Southeastern University (NSU). She is currently working on a Doctor of Education degree in Higher Education Leadership from NSU with an anticipated graduation in the coming months.
As the Dean of Early College at Greenville Technical College, Erin led the successful implementation of all aspects of Early College (dual enrollment) for Greenville County to include marketing, strategy, tactics, and execution. She utilized data to develop and implement special programs which provide for sustainable opportunities for students to successfully transition from secondary education to institutions of higher education. In her later work as Director of I-BEST for Tri-County Technical College, Erin provided the ‘VIP’ treatment for her students – giving them the power to believe in themselves as capable and successful college students.
Now as the Director of Adult Degree Reengagement, Erin’s past work experience is culminating for an initiative that will truly move the needle for Spartanburg’s educational attainment rates. She is responsible for the implementation and sustainability of a new program, Re: Degree, by identifying residents with some college but no degree and removing barriers for their degree completion.
Casey Moberly, College Navigator
Casey is a new resident of Spartanburg, having just moved from Indianapolis in the Fall of 2023. Casey received her bachelor’s degree in international studies from Asbury University and then completed a Master of Social Work at Indiana University – Perdue University Indianapolis specializing in children, youth, and families.
Post graduation, Casey put her degree to fast work at The Bowen Center as a Skills Coach Leader providing high-quality, comprehensive healthcare to address the emotional, physical, and social well-being of their patients. She continued working with children and families at Kids Voice of Indiana as a Guardian ad Litem. Here, Casey managed case loads of up to 150 children and youth conducting monthly visitation to assess needs, safety, case-progression and national and state standards of care.
Casey brings her nearly 5 years of case management experience to the Talent Team at OneSpartanburg, Inc. as the first of a small team of College Navigators under Erin’s leadership. In addition to providing hands-on, one-on-one guidance and assistance to students participating in the Re: Degree initiative, Casey is building the structures and processes by which all following re-engaged students will benefit from.
Taylor Dement, Director of Talent Solutions
Taylor Dement joined OneSpartanburg, Inc. in January 2022 as the Events Manager for the organization planning more than 100 events a year to support various initiatives. In his current role as Director of Talent Solutions, Taylor works to set up educational and career pipelines for Spartanburg County residents, works to market and sell Spartanburg as a place to live and work to perspective talent, and works closely with the College Town Consortium and the Spartanburg Young Professionals.
Taylor has been married to his wife, Abbie, for 8 years and lives in Inman, SC.